The Ragnarok Expansion to Valda Now Features an Official Solo Mode
Image: Bannan Games
Belgian board game publisher Bannan Games is currently running a Kickstarter campaign for two new expansions to Valda from author Nathan Vermeulen: Rise of the Giants and Ragnarok. Originally published in 2019, Valda is worker placement game themed around Norse mythology where players take on the role of Viking tribe leaders who are vying for the grace and attention of the gods in Asgard by building temples and proving their worth in combat. Now, publisher Bannan Games has announced an official solo mode which will be included in the Ragnarok expansion, allowing for solitaire play of Valda by competing against an automated opponent.
“The deity (God / Giant) has his/her own player board and by getting temples he or she also gains powers. The powers are different than yours as the Gods/Giants you take on don’t have an action phase or resource phase. Powers also differeniate according to whom you battle, as each opponent deity has his/her own speciality. Loki tries to weaken you before he strikes, Hel uses crowd control and Thrym is all about manipulating runes. See for example the special player board of Loki:” - description by the publisher
The Loki solo game board. Image: Bannan Games
At the time of writing the Kickstarter campaign for the Ragnarok & Rise of the Giants expansions has six days to go with an estimated delivery date in December of 2021.
Source: Kickstarter